moonieloonie Why the heck was my soundwave video removed from BitView?? 12:36 AM Jul 7th, 2024
Previous Updates
@zerofive I just think it would be neat to actually have my blips updates on my spacehey profile! Ive never been able to do it as the feature has never really worked for as long as ive been here. 01:38 PM Aug 6th, 2023
If there were only 3 updates id want to see on blips, it would be 1. Ability to share photos, that would be a real game changer 2. Fixing the badges, they don't work, and 3. Background image imported from pc rather than a url link. I'd love to see these :3 01:13 PM Aug 6th, 2023
Like i get having ads, its not cheap to run a site with a lot of usage, so long as the ads arent intrusive, like they are right now, then i'll be good to keep the adblocker off. I do want to see some updates on blips that would be really nice! 01:12 PM Aug 6th, 2023
It seems at the moment the redirects are gone, I have adblocker turned off now on this site to see what it looks like, the placement of the ads seems reasonable. One or two ads seem a little fishy but i'll ignore it. If theres no redirects, ill keep it off 01:09 PM Aug 6th, 2023
@vistaaaaa Yes but theres adding ads, and then theres scam site redirects anytime you try and enter or use the site, and thats with an adblocker on! Smaller ads on the side are fine though. Hopefully the redirects are gone now as are heavily intrusive. 01:01 PM Aug 6th, 2023
This is unusable, I'm stepping away from blips until this is fixed, however long that may be. 05:38 AM Aug 6th, 2023
Aaaaand i just got redirected to an ad site after i posted that -_- 05:35 AM Aug 6th, 2023
Oh shit i just noticed the character increase :O 05:34 AM Aug 6th, 2023
It seems like, for me at least, that the annoying spam site bug is gone. I havent been redirected in a while and when i click on other pages im still here, so thats good 05:04 AM Aug 6th, 2023
the new recent activity does make the channel design look a WHOLE lot more like how it did in like 2009-early 2010, which makes sense given how the rest of the site looks. 05:00 AM Aug 6th, 2023