SteveJobs Steve Jobs would have been 70 years old today 06:08 PM Feb 24th
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"We like to talk about the post-pc era, but when it really starts to happen, I think it's uncomfortable for a lot of people, cause it's change, and a lot of vested interests are gonna change. It's gonna be different." — Steve Jobs, D8 conference, 2010 03:11 PM Feb 23rd
"The Apple II was actually the first computer to come fully assembled where you didn’t have to do anything. And the reason there was it was our observation that for every hardware hobbyist, there were a
thousand potential software hobbyists."— Steve, 1990 12:17 AM Feb 23rd
Steve Jobs passed away 13 years ago today 03:16 PM Oct 5th, 2024
"I am exceptionally proud of the 175 people that work at NeXT. When we started the company, we just started it with a fresh sheet of paper."— Steve Jobs, NeXT Cube Intro, 1988 11:39 AM Aug 5th, 2024
"One of the things that I've always found is that you've gotta start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology. You can't start with the technology and try to figure out where you're gonna try to sell it." — Steve Jobs, WWDC, 1997 01:23 PM Jun 13th, 2024
"Everything I've done in my life has been along pretty much a single vector, and NeXT is just one more point on that same vector. " — Steve Jobs, 1990 09:50 AM Jun 12th, 2024
"This amazing little device can holds a thousand songs, and it goes right in my pocket." — Steve Jobs, 2001 07:13 PM May 3rd, 2024
"Most people didn't want to learn how to use a computer ; they just wanted to use it." — Steve Jobs, 1990 06:43 PM Apr 21st, 2024
"To build a great company, you need more than a great product. You have to pay attention to all the different areas and be as aggressive with them as with your product. Otherwise, you'll spend half your time fixing things that break." — Steve Jobs, 1989 07:46 PM Oct 2nd, 2023