sofiaflorina May Goddess save the United States of America. about 17 hours ago
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By starting a monthly gift, I can change a life forever. Often, one meal at the right time can be enough to make a difference between life and death. Just one dollar makes a big difference. I will make it later. 05:20 PM Jan 21st
I want to donate to the World Food Programme when I have a credit card later. There are approximately more than 750 million people today who go to bed on an empty stomach and that should not happen. 05:19 PM Jan 21st
@mraero I only have Bedrock Edition 06:15 AM Jan 21st
@ze7enSWF You know what looks modern? Windows 7 06:14 AM Jan 21st
As I have written before, European values are in line with my personal values and therefore I will always support European values! These values are good and should be spread throughout the world with adaptations to societies outside Europe. 🇪🇺 02:12 PM Jan 20th